ED & F Man Nederland BV


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What we do
We source, store, sell, ship and distribute agricultural products including coffee, sugar, molasses, animal feed and pulses. We trade those products around the world, and with some, we process and brand them for industrial customers and the supermarket shelves.

We help many of our customers manage pricing risk through financial products. For others we act as a broker, executing orders for hedge funds and professional traders. And we do our own clearing through exchanges, such as the Chicago Board of Trade and the London Metals Exchange.

Why we do it

There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world – situations change; crops fail – but we’re known for making sure our customers can still do business. It’s a stance we’ve held to be true since 1783.

For us, it’s about managing risk and providing security. For example, we help our farmers grow better-quality crops, more sustainably, by teaching them agricultural techniques that will keep their land productive for future generations.

That way we can help our growers achieve a better, more sustainable standard of living. And we help protect our customers from that price-change volatility with tools such as hedging and futures.

How we do it

We do business across the world, but we’re small enough that business feels personal.

As group of companies, we use our diverse strengths to help our customers succeed – not just the people who buy from us; we think of our colleagues and suppliers as customers too.


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